We looked for lion cubs and found a leopard! And we have camera trap photos!

The search for Nemasi’s cubs continues…… Just by the edge of the thick lava forest we found a young eland that had been killed the previous day by what looked like young lions (from the tracks). We were very excited!

But as we had no luck seeing the very secretive lions previously we decided to ask our neighbours Ol Donyo Wuas lodge whether we could borrow their camera traps, so we could put them up by the eland to see if the cubs came back at night. That way we would not disturb them from their food, and would be able to see how many cubs there were.

We went back to the eland carcass at early evening and set up the traps.


Then we waited! When we came back the next day we could see elephant tracks but did not notice any fresh lion tracks. When we got back to camp we immediately ran to the computer to have a look at the photos. And look at what we found! Sadly, still no lion cubs but instead we got some great photos of a beautiful leopard! Hope you like them!




What do you think is happening here? Did the leopard fall over? Was it just relaxing next to the eland carcass?


Aren’t the photos great? It is not often we see leopards here so we were very happy to see this healthy looking animal. We have now had to give the camera trap back to the lodge, so if anyone can donate a camera trap to us we would be extremely grateful – and would be able to bring you more photos like these!

We are also in need of a digital camera as the Lion Guardians camera recently broke, and we are relying on borrowing a digital camera to take all the photos you see on the blog. If you know anyone who has a spare digital camera or camera trap please write us a comment and I will tell you how you could get these items to us. Or if you could help us by donating some money to go towards either of these items we would be very grateful too. Thank you!


  • admin says:

    Hey Anthony, these posts are fantastic. I have a request, your titles are too long for us to send out effectively on Twitter – pls try to keep them short and full of key words. We;re moving traffic and hopefully donors in you direction. Howmuch is a camera trap?

  • Glad you are enjoying the posts – we will make the titles shorter! The camera trap we used here is about $140. Its called a stealthcam 550!

  • Pauline says:

    Great pictures! Can’t wait for the next instalment!

  • Nicole says:

    Awsome pictures thank you so much for your post. I will definitely send in a donation during my next pay cheque towards your much needed camera trap!

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