Help us celebrate World Lion Day on August 10, 2013

Organized to bring greater attention to the plight of the lion, August 10th has been designated as “World Lion Day.” On this day, individuals and groups are encouraged to take an action that demonstrates their interest and support in protecting the world’s remaining lions.
Lion Guardians is proud to be one of the groups listed on the official World Lion Day campaign website. The Lion Guardian team will be celebrating World Lion Day together with the Olgulului Wildlife Club by showing the newly released Lion Guardian film to the surrounding communities. The film discusses the Lion Guardian program, pastoralists’ values and the benefits that come from sharing rangelands with lions.
We hope you’ll take action in support of lions. See the list below for ways you can get involved.
How to celebrate World Lion Day:
- Make a donation to a project that is saving lions: Lion Guardians – donate now!
- Share the news about World Lion Day with your friends by posting an announcement on Facebook or tweeting on Twitter.
- “Like” World Lion Day’s Facebook page as well as the pages of your favorite lion-saving organizations (Facebook – Lion Guardians); encourage your friends and family to do the same!
- Visit the Lion Guardian’s “Wish List” and help us purchase the much-needed equipment that helps the Lion Guardians monitor lions*.
- Know any reporters or bloggers who’d be interested in writing about World Lion Day and the plight of lions? If so, direct them to our website and the information found on the World Lion Day’s campaign website and ask them to blog or write an article about World Lion Day and lion conservation.
- World Lion Day is a great opportunity for sports teams, businesses and organizations that are named after lions or use the lion in their logo to support on the ground lion conservation by making a donation to Lion Guardians.
- Participate in a nearby World Lion Day event or hold your own event. Need ideas for an event? Visit the campaign’s website for ideas and a list of events (World Lion Day – Get Involved).
- Learn more about World Lion Day
Together we can make the first annual World Lion Day a success!
The Lion Guardians Team
*Purchases of equipment are not tax deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible contribution please donate by cash, check or credit card.
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