For more than a decade, we have been monitoring the lions living on community lands.
The below timeline of events showcases the detailed information we have on one of our most loved lions – Selenkay! Scroll over the hexagons for more information and click the arrow key to follow all our observations.
Born in Amboseli National Park
First observation on community land with mother and aunts. Her distinctive eye patch is noted.
Dispersing with sisters Narika & Elikan
Named 'Selenkay' by Guardians, meaning: Disobedient girl...the girl who didn't listen to her father
First mating with Lomunyak
First litter born - 3 cubs
Giving Birth2.1.2010
Seen 3 tiny cubs in den for first time
Field Observation2.1.2010
Sister Narika speared after sucessive livestock depredations
Family Death3.1.2010
Post a boma raid, Selenkay and her daughters are hunted. Selenkay splits from her cubs and attacks a warrior, biting him. Lions and warriors all survive.
Major Livestock Incident12.1.2010
Mating with Ndelie
Second litter born - 4 cubs
Giving Birth7.1.2011
While searching for Selenkay, we are startled by the bellow of a cow being killed nearby. We rush to the source of the noise to find Selenkay & Elikan killing it. Selenkay vanishes.
Major Livestock Incident9.1.2011
Selenkay and family found during the daytime ONLY 0.7 kilometres from the boma which they raided overnight, injuring one cow.
Major Livestock Incident5.1.2012
Mating with Ndelie
Third litter born - 5 cubs *Largest litter size recorded during 10 years
Giving Birth1.1.2013
Sister Elikan poisoned. Selenkay now the only survivor of the 3 dispersing sisters
Family Death1.1.2013
Third litter all killed by incoming males Loosinkoron/Loorgojini - infanticide.
Family Death4.1.2013
Mating with Lorgojine
Forth litter born - 4 cubs
Giving Birth9.1.2013
Selenkay becomes a grandmother! Daughters Nenkii and Meoshi (from Selenkay's first litter) have their first cubs
Selenkay's son Osapuku reaches Athi-Kapiti Plains during dispersal
Family Dispersal4.1.2014
Caught-red handed at a boma....we throw thunderflashes and chase them in the car through thick woodlands. They scatter and beeline back to the conservancy.
Major Livestock Incident1.1.2015
Mating with Martii
Fifth litter born - 3 cubs
Giving Birth10.1.2015
Selenkay kills a total of 4 adult giraffe in the space of 8 months!
In 2015, we record a high of livestock depredations in one year by Selenkay: 99 livestock killed/injured - an average of over 8 per month.
Major Livestock Incident12.1.2015
Selenkay's son Loyarata reaches Tanzania during dispersal
Family Dispersal7.1.2016
On her 10th birthday she is found eating at an elephant carcass…is this how large predators celebrate significant birthdays?
10th Birthday4.1.2017
Mating with Martii
Comes to the Lion Guardians Camp for a visit! The 215th observation we have had of Selenkay. That’s an observation rate of about once every two weeks for 10 years.
Lion Guardians Visit7.1.2017
Selenkay's Home Range!
For more lion stories, read our blog and learn about the lions that we monitor and the “soap-opera” lives that they lead.