New lion cubs!

We are delighted to report that Mbirikani lioness Nimaoi has had her first litter of three cubs! Kilimanjaro Lion Conservation Project Biologist Kylie has been keeping a close eye on them, and though Nimaoi has been hiding them away most of the time, she has been able to catch a few glimpses of the cute cubs! Read their blog here. Thank you to KLCP for the adorable photos!


Nimaoi had been spending a lot of time with Kasaiyo, so we suspect that he is the cub’s father. So far it seems Nimaoi has been spending time on her own with the cubs.


Lion Guardians in the area have been monitoring Nimaoi and the cubs, but have been making sure they keep a respectful distance, as they do not want to disturb her or her cubs. They have made sure that all the local herders know not to go into the area close to Nimaoi, so as to prevent any possible conflicts with their livestock, or indeed with the herders themselves.


We will keep you up to date with the progress of Nimaoi’s cubs as they grow up and get to know their new home – Maasailand! We hope to keep it a safe area for them so they may grow to adulthood here, sharing their home with the Maasai people. By donating to the Lion Guardians, you are helping us do this! Thank you for your support.


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