Honey badger raids beehive!

Not far past midnight, Project Biologist Kylie was roused from her dreamy slumber by the sound of cracking timber and the tearing of metal sheeting. Believing it to be an elephant, the usual culprit of camp destruction, Kylie armed herself with a big Maglite torch and marched towards the source of the racket, determined to…

Roll up! Roll up!

Just another reminder about our fantastic Christmas cards! Make a donation of $22 (or more!), remember to add a comment saying you would like some cards, and we will send them to you, wherever you are in the world! Every donation made through this blog goes towards helping the Lion Guardians project conserve wild lions.…

Lion Guardians on TV!

We have heard that the piece on the Lion Guardians filmed by Reuters a few weeks ago has now been shown on television across the world! Blog reader Brenton reported that it was shown on Australian TV, Pauline says it was on the BBC, and we have also heard that is was shown in Kenya.…

A blog from Antony

I can smell home like the rain when it’s about to fall… I am still here at Oxford University, but I am counting the weeks before I return home after my course. This puts a smile on my face as the weather here is starting to be chilly as the winter approaches! I can’t wait…

Get your Christmas cards here!

I would like to remind all our blog readers that you can buy Lion Guardians Christmas cards right here on the blog! All the profits will go to the Lion Guardians, so please buy as many as you can and tell all your friends about them too! Maybe you could even buy a stock, and…

First green shoots!

Finally the Lion Guardians, Maasai communities, wildlife and livestock that live together on Mbirikani, Eselenkei and Olgulului Group Ranches have experienced their first showers of rain. Everyone is very excited and thankful that at last there are a few green shoots appearing from the ground. Though the wildlife and livestock are still very hungry, at…

Expert tracking skills

Steven from the Laikipia Predator Project came down to Mbirikani last week with expert tracker, Morani. Steven and Morani spent a week with the Lion Guardians developing their tracking skills even further for a new part of their work – spoor counting. Although the Lion Guardians are all expert trackers, Steven and Morani helped them…

Lion Guardians reports flood in!

In the month of September the Lion Guardians made over 40 reports of lion tracks, sightings or telemetry signals to camp. The 9 Guardians on Mbirikani have been working extremely hard to find out where all our local lions are so they can report this to our lion biologists, and also warn any herders in…

Mary visits camp

We were very happy to be visited by Mary last week, a GIS expert from Canada who came to help the lion researchers learn all about GIS (Geographic Information Systems). They are using GIS to map where our lions move, so we can see their patterns of behaviour and try and work out where they are going,…

Genet in the cutlery drawer

After our problems with elephants making cups of coffee in the kitchen at night, we were pleased that our next uninvited guest was a bit smaller! We would like to introduce you to our latest kitchen visitor – a beautiful genet.   This genet (Jenny to her friends) seems to like hanging out in the…