Honey badger raids beehive!

Not far past midnight, Project Biologist Kylie was roused from her dreamy slumber by the sound of cracking timber and the tearing of metal sheeting. Believing it to be an elephant, the usual culprit of camp destruction, Kylie armed herself with a big Maglite torch and marched towards the source of the racket, determined to chase the elephant away. However, upon rounding the final shrub she was surprised to find a smaller creature – a honey badger, clawing its way into the beehive and stealing all the honey! The fury creature seemed unperturbed by the angry bees whom were less than impressed with their new home renovations!

The honey badger wasn’t terribly bothered by the torchlight from a distance but soon retreated into the shadows when Kylie moved in closer, disappearing before a photograph could be taken. However, here’s some shots of what he did to the beehive!





  • sauwah says:

    sorry about the beehive and the bees. mighty badger. i heard badgers do get killed by angry bee keepers in south africa because of such raiding. maybe the beehives should be built above ground so that the hungry and fearless badgers can’t their claws at them.

  • Sonja says:

    Cool, you guys keep bees? How awesome is that! Sorry about your hive, and I hope you can get it all patched up soon!

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