Lion Guardians Christmas Cards!

We are very excited to announce our beautiful Lion Guardians Christmas Cards, which you can buy right here on this blog! Of course all the profits will go to the Lion Guardians, so please buy as many as you can and tell all your friends about them too! Maybe you could even buy a stock, and help us by selling them at your school or place of work?


There are three fantastic designs, one is of Lion Guardian Olubi tracking lions, the second is a female lion in Nempakai’s pride with her cub (who you may have seen in Amboseli National Park if you have been lucky enough to visit there recently), and the final design is of a young Maasai girl from one of the communities that the Lion Guardians program works with. The cards are high quality glossy laminated and the message inside reads ‘Season’s Greetings’.


The cost is $22 (that’s approx £13) for 12 cards (4 of each design), and this includes airmail postage and packing of the cards (and envelopes) to your address. Just put a number in the QTY box next to ‘Christmas card pack’ to say  how many packs you would like to purchase, and click on DONATE.

Please Note
As well as making your donation for the cards, you MUST also write a request for the cards on this blog by adding a comment so that we can trace you to obtain your address for postage. We cannot trace you from the donation box alone. Thank you!


We hope you like the designs, and we hope we can raise a lot of money for the Guardians, so please buy some now, and spread the word!!

THANK YOU! Your support is helping save the remaining wild lions in Kenya.


  • sauwah says:

    you are on!

    lions need you badly. i just heard that five lions have been poisoned by furadan in serengeti area. these pride had killed a giraffe ( good hunt ). but since the lions were so close to a Masaai village and the bomas where their cattle were, these folks did many livestock owners have done. they poisoned the kill. the lions naturally returned and then died. the owners did it due to their fear of these lions who might kill their cattle.

    too many predators killed just because some one is afriad of what they might do. another sad example is two hunters here in nevada discovered some movement in a bush. an adult cougar got out of the bush. the cougar did not attack nor chased the hunters. the cat simply walked side way. many cats including our domestic ones do walk side way whenever they are either afriad or not sure of our intent. in short, this unlucky young and healthy cougar died just because the hunters were afraid and had a gun. and too many cougars are simply killed or shot because they are resting near a town or children are within the area.

  • sauwah says:

    just donated and looking forward to get the beautiful christmas cards.

  • Sheri & Owen Hogle says:

    What beautiful cards. Of course we want the cards with Olubi on the front.
    Great work!
    Sheri & Owen in Utah

  • Brenton H says:

    Hi all at the Lion Guardians. I have decided to sponsor Kamunu from the Eselenkei Group Ranch. I couldnt decide which of the 8 Lion Guardians to sponsor, so I wrote all of their names on small pieces of paper, placed the pieces of paper in a container, shook the container and then selected one of the pieces of paper. ‘Kamunu’ was the name written on the piece of paper. It was the only way I could make a decision.
    I hope Kamunu will be happy and that it will be a boost to the Lion Guardian project on Eselenkei Group Ranch.
    I have paid for a six month period in one sum.
    I hope that I can write to Kamunu and send him a postcard or 2. I was amazed to read about Kamunu’s tracking skills and hope he finds more lions so that they can be collared for radio tracking. If I ever get lost when I visit the Masai Mara, I will be relying on him to find me and track me down as well! LOL Please share that joke with him!
    Kind regards,

  • Brenton – thank you so much for your sponsorship of Kamunu. Picking his name out of a hat sounds like fun! He will be thrilled, and this donation will certainly make a big difference to the Lion Guardians project in Eselenkei. Thank you! We will be sure to tell Kamunu he can track you when you get lost too!! Do let us know if you would like to send Kamunu a card and we will organise the best way of doing this. Best wishes!

  • Annie says:

    Cool! Thanks for letting us know!

  • Brenton H says:

    Looking forward to receiving the Christmas cards. It will be great to introduce the Lion Guardians and the Maasai culture to many of my family and friends in Australia via the cards.

  • Brenton H says:

    Hi, just to let you know that the Christmas cards have arrived safely here in South Australia. Thankyou so much !

  • Hi Brenton, thanks for letting us know. Glad the cards arrived safely!

  • Bucci says:

    Just donated and looking forward to sharing these with family and friends.

  • Hi! I just made a donation! Anxious to see the Christmas cards!
    Spreading the word in Brazil!
    cheers for you all!

  • These are such beautiful cards, and this is such a wonderful project. Hopefully with sites like this, we can save not only the lions but other magnificent animals. The Maasai are such beautiful people. Thank you.

  • Thanks everyone for your comments! We’re all so glad you like the cards!

  • Ruth says:

    My Christmas cards have arrived in Boston, USA.
    They are great, thank you.

  • Fantastic news! Thank you for letting us know Ruth and thank you for your support.

  • Ana Leuzinger says:

    Just received my wonderful Xmas cards
    That you all and Merry Xmas!

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