The 2012 Annual Report is ready!

We are very pleased to share with you our 2012 Annual Report, which summarizes the collective efforts and accomplishments of the Lion Guardians team.
Here are just a few highlights of the past year:
- For the first time in nearly a decade, the lion population on the group ranches of Amboseli is growing! Since 2010, the majority of cubs have survived to sub-adulthood and some of the female cubs born in early 2010 already have cubs of their own. If this trend continues, the lion population will double in just a few years!
- In the core Amboseli ecosystem program area of approximately 4,000 square kilometers, 35 Lion Guardians recovered 11,533 out of 12,571 lost livestock, reinforced 351 bomas and, with assistance from our partners, successfully prevented 56 lion hunts.
- We expanded the program to two new areas with high rates of lion killing — the West Kilimanjaro ecosystem of northern Tanzania and the Ruaha ecosystem in southern Tanzania, the latter in partnership with Panthera and the Ruaha Carnivore Project.
- On a daily basis, 45 Lion Guardians use their literacy training, conservation skills and traditional knowledge to fill out research data forms and provide accurate information that is helping us to make ground-breaking findings about lion populations and behavior in human-dominated lands and protect these lions from every day threats.
- Lion Guardians won the presigious St. Andrews Prize for the Environment.
- David Attenborough visited the Lion Guardians to narrate their story as part of the new BBC Africa series.
Keep an eye out for the final episode of the BBC Africa series featuring Lion Guardian Olubi Lairumbe Wednesday 6th February on BBC One in the UK and Tuesday 12th February on Discovery in the US!
You can download the 2012 Annual Report or retrieve it later from our website, www., under the publications tab.
Help support the efforts of Lion Guardians by making a donation to our U.S. fiscal sponsor Wildlife Guardians. Simply click on the Donate Paw. You can also sponsor a lion or a Lion Guardian.
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