To celebrate World Lion Day Lion Guardians held an event at Naor-Enkare Primary school neighboring our Central camp. We organized a very successful film day attended by over 130 school pupils and community members including women.

To celebrate World Lion Day Lion Guardians held an event at Naor-Enkare Primary school neighboring our Central camp. We organized a very successful film day attended by over 130 school pupils and community members including women.
Organized to bring greater attention to the plight of the lion, August 10th has been designated as “World Lion Day.” On this day, individuals and groups are encouraged to take an action that demonstrates their interest and support in protecting the world’s remaining lions.
The Maasai and Barabaig Lion Guardians took advantage of the recent Lion Guardians Games to share their cultures with each other.
We have completed the film about the Lion Guardians program that will be shown to communities interested in this model of alleviating lion-livestock conflict.
The Lion Guardians program is featured in the August 2013 edition of National Geographic Magazine
The take-over season for lions and Maasai Morans within the Amboseli ecosystem has arrived!
The 2013 Lion Guardians Games were held on July 2013
The 2013 Lion Guardians Games were held on July 2013
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Pendisse blandit ligula turpis, ac convallis risus fermentum non. Duis vestibulum quis quam vel accumsan. Nunc a vulputate lectus. Vestibulum eleifend nisl sed massa sagittis vestibulum. Vestibulum pretium blandit tellus, sodales volutpat sapien varius vel. Phasellus tristique cursus erat, a placerat tellus laoreet eget.