Lion Guardians is a conservation organization dedicated to finding and enacting long-term solutions for people and lions to coexist. Founded in 2006, Lion Guardians began with five Guardians in one small area within the Amboseli-Tsavo ecosystem. Currently, there are Lion Guardians-based projects successfully running in several countries and in our core area of Amboseli, our operations span over close to a million acres. We are committed to workable solutions that are scientifically-driven and transferable across areas.
What We Do
Lion Guardians’ conservation model is adaptable to various cultures and wildlife species. Founded on local value systems, community participation and science, it is based on a decade of research and rigorous measures of success. Our approach involves recruiting young, traditional Maasai and other pastoralist warriors to learn the skills needed to effectively mitigate conflicts between people and wildlife, monitor lion populations, and help their own communities live with lions. By actively engaging in our solutions-based conservation model, people who were once lion killers are transformed into lion protectors.
Our Core Values
Participation and community-oriented: The participation of local communities as full and active partners in all of our work.
Trust: Relationships of trust within our organization, with our partners, our donors and supporters, and with all of the communities with whom we work.
Science-based: Conservation programs based on science, and the integration of social and biological sciences, including traditional and indigenous knowledge.
Valuing co-existence: Strong links between local cultural values and conservation programmatic elements.
Collaborative: Partnerships and collaborations are key to achieving long-lasting and broad conservation and livelihood impacts.
Where We Work

Luke Maamai
Program Manager

Maria Saruni
Trainer and Camp Manager

Nadia de Souza
Research Scientist

Pauline Kamau

Eric Ole Kesoi
Community Manager

Dr. Stephanie Dolrenry
US-based Director of Science

John Merishi
Office and Data Systems Coordinator

Dr. Leela Hazzah
Executive Director

Philip J. Briggs
Lion Monitoring Manager

Salisha Chandra
Director of Strategy Coordination & Knowledge

Jeremiah Somita Purka
Assistant Biologist

George Gituku
Finance and Admin Manager