Conflict is high, final chance to donate through Wildlife Direct

Hello and thank you to all our blog readers and Wildlife Direct donors. This is the final day of making donations through Wildlife Direct, so please give generously! From 1st April donations through this blog will be directed through our partners Panthera. Through them we will get the full 100% of your donations, which is fantastic news for the lions we are protecting in Maasailand.

Those of you with monthly donations will need to set them up  with Panthera instead – the change over will not be happening automatically, so please click here to visit Panthera’s site, allocate your donation to Lion Guardians, and continue to support the Lion Guardians in their work.

Tension is running very high on all three of our group ranches at the moment. The Lion Guardians are working as hard as they can to reduce human-wildlife conflict, but it is a very tense and difficult situation right now. We will bring you more news when we can – but it suffices to say that the Lion Guardians are under huge pressure at the moment, and are in desperate need of your continued support so that cubs like this (one of Nemasi’s cubs, photo taken in July 08)

 nemasi's cub

…will have the chance to grow up like this (here he is a year later!)

nemasi's cub a year later

Thank you for your support and donations, from all the Lion Guardians.


  • Pirjo says:

    Just to let you know that I have submitted my first donation through Panthera today and was able to increase my monthly donation a bit. Just hang in there and draw strength from the fact that there are people all over the world who value and respect the work that you are doing. I hope that one day I would be able to visit that part of Kenya where Lion Guardians are operating. Missed the Amboseli region when I was in Kenya last November, but maybe next time!

  • Pirjo – thank you for this fantastic news, which brings great hope to everyone here. Thank you so much for your donation. We also hope you can come and visit the Amboseli region, and perhaps see some of the lions you have helped to save with your support of the project!

  • sauwah says:

    why the tension is high among the three group ranches? i thought the much needed rain would have solved much tension between lions and livestock owners. your effects and determination are appreciated!

  • Hi Sauwah – there is high tension because from the few cows and goats that are remaining after the drought, many are being attacked by carnivores because there aren’t enough of their wild prey left to sustain them. Everyone has returned to their homes now that the rain has come, but the predators are still hungry. It is a very difficult time.

  • Anne C says:


    I moved my donation to Panthera and indicated Lion Guardians, but I just realized I didn’t indicate that $95 of my monthly donation should go for Koikai’s sponsorship.

    Thank you!

  • Hi Anne,
    Thank you very much indeed. This is fantastic news – we will record that your $95 should be allocated to sponsor Koikai.
    Best wishes and thank you from the Lion Guardians.

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