Donations received, Maasai songs and webpages

Hello everyone,
We have good news: the Lion Guardian program now has a new webpage about the project and another webpage with pictures, Maasai songs, and interviews from each Guardian. They are new pages, we hope to add more to them so please give us your ideas and suggestions.
You can reach the new pages using these links (Lion Guardian project & Meet the Guardians) or they are permanently linked to our blog via our new Blogroll on the sidebar.

We also have received notification of several donations in the past weeks. The most sincere thank you to all of our wonderful supporters:

Francis D Open one-time donation of $20
Pirjo I Open one-time donation of $50
Mary H Open one-time donation of $50.00
Richard V Open monthly donation of $80
(For the sponsorship of Ritei – Thank you, Richard!!)
Hashi H Monthly Donation of $10

Here are the Guardians singing their thanks!
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="366" height="75" fvars="file=25ba7d3" wmode="transparent" /]

Here I am with a group of murran from Isinet, the area on Mbirikani where I grew up.



  • What a great idea…really perked me up!

  • Hashi Hanta says:

    Thank you for sending the song. It really brought a big smile to my face. I am of the Choctaw Tribe, but I live on an Indian reservation in the state of Arizona in America. It is the Tohono O’odham Nation, of which my husband is a member. Many of our people live in small one-room houses with dirt floors and no running water. Thank you so very much for the wonderful work you are doing. You are truly a very brave warrior!

  • sauwah says:

    theresa! long time no hear from you! where have you been? these fine young warriors are really compassionate and dedicated on the their work.

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