Excitement builds up for the Lion Guardian Games

The annual Lion Guardian Games 2013 edition will be held from the 12th-14th June 2013 at the pristine Selenkay Conservancy. The Lion Guardians will be accommodated in our newly built Central Training Camp which borders the famous Amboseli National Park. We are excited because these games will be a first for many of our new Lion Guardians – and especially significant because the Lion Guardians Ruaha Team will be attending – adding a whole new level of competition of two different cultures as Barbaig compete with Maasai.

The Lion Guardians Games is an occasion for the Guardians to share their experiences in the field, make new friends and develop a network of information sharing in the course of monitoring lions that criss-cross their respective zones. In the past three years, these games have been very successful due to the fact that the competitive spirit of the traditional Maasai warrior is at the heart of each event.
Upon hearing that the games are going to be held soon, the Lion Guardians are all eager, excited and raring to go. Preparations are underway for the 100 meter sprint, stick and spear throwing and traditional dancing. The games will be graced by the presence of the entire Wildlife Guardians Board of Directors as well. The anticipation, the excitement and the spirit to compete against each other makes the games a competition worth waiting for with bated breadth.

We are once again grateful to Eco-Sys Action for sponsoring the games for the third year in a row as well as for providing customized Lion Guardians footballs (soccerballs)!
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