The 2012 Lion Guardian Games are next week!

It’s that time of year again! We will be holding the 2012 Lion Guardian Games the first week of July. Thank you Eco-Sys Action for providing the funds and soccer balls to ensure that a good time will be had by all!
In the shadows of magnificent Mount Kilimanjaro, the Lion Guardians from the three group ranches, Mbrikani, Olgulului and Eselenkei all choose their best athletes to compete against each other in traditional Maasai contests (and a match of football/soccer!). The Guardians practice all year long to perfect their skills. We also take this opportunity to thank the Lion Guardians for their dedication and hard work. Especially this year – once again no lions have been killed in Lion Guardians patrolled areas – despite high conflict and the introduction of a new age set of warriors eager to prove their bravery.
Please help support the Lion Guardians program by donating here
Here is a recap of the 2011 Games
Here is a video from the 2010 Lion Guardians Games
I wish you all the best for the Games!
This will be an amazing display of athleticism and talent. You are awesome, Lion Guardians!