A Road Map for the Future

At Lion Guardians, we pride ourselves on being creative, reacting to challenges, and taking risks. But we also know that in order to be effective, these actions need to be in the context of a larger strategy – one that combines lessons from the past with current information to chart a course for the future.
To this end, the Lion Guardians team took time last year to think carefully and deliberately about our path so far and how we can amplify our impacts in the future, which culminated in our latest 3-year plan, which you can read HERE. This plan is guiding our actions as we continue to evolve as an organization and as a dedicated team to meet the ever-growing challenges of community-based conservation. We are very proud of the thought, vision, and deliberation that has gone into this document and we look forward to meeting the challenges ahead of us, as we balance our sense of innovation with a carefully-reasoned strategy for success.
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