Guardian Kapande (Mitiaki) – Reflections on Trip To Tanzania

As narrated to John Merishi by Guardian Kapande“This was my first trip Tanzania and I am so happy to have been afforded this wonderful opportunity. I found the Tanzanian landscape extremely beautiful and the trip into the crater was a definite highlight – it may even be the best place I have seen in my life. Another highlight for me was the competition called ‘limbo’. Limbo was full of fun and I kept laughing all through.
I also want to take this moment to share that the KOPE lion team is doing a great job in conserving lions. The celebration was a great reunion and it showed that we are all a family – one that is dedicated towards saving lions.
Lastly I would like to express my gratitude to the Directors and the entire management team for the opportunity I was given to be part of the team that travelled to Tanzania. In addition, I must add that Ingela, the KOPE Lion Director, was extremely hospitable regularly checking on how everyone was faring. Ashe oleng poken (thanks a lot to all)”
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