Eric tells us how well the two beautiful lionesses Selenkay and Elikan are doing: Despite the sudden demise of their friend Narika, Selenkay and Elikan have been doing just fine. They must have initially been shocked and surprised at the unexplained absence of their sister but they seem to have settled well into life without…
Lion Guardians
Lomunyak is back (and we reveal a secret about him!)
Lion Guardian Eric tells us of his joy at hearing the news that mighty male lion Lomunyak has returned to his territory: After disappearing for 3 whole weeks without trace, Lomunyak has returned back to his territory in Mbirikani Group Ranch. Maybe he was upset and shocked by the sudden absence of Narika and decided…
The return to normality
Lion Guardians coordinator Eric writes about the return to calm and normality after what has been a hectic and difficult time for all of us: After the recent tragedies on Mbirikani Group Ranch with the deaths of the lionesses Narika and Mbeuti, we are proud to announce the return to normality in the ecosystem. Stakeholders…
Another lioness is speared, but the worst is behind us
Eric tells us about the sad second spearing of a lioness on Mbirikani, but brings us the good news that calm is now retuning to the area: The Maasai community has been known since time immemorial to be completely dependant on their livestock. The love they attach to their livestock is second to none and…
Narika’s cubs nowhere to be found
After Narika’s spearing we had a little hope that her 3 young cubs might live, but they were less than a month old and would only be able to survive if one of the other females in the pride – either Selenkay or Elikan, who both also had young cubs adopted them. The cubs were…
Pride male Lomunyak in constant search for Narika
This is Eric reporting from the field after the sad death of lioness Narika: In what has truly broken my heart, Lomunyak the proud male lion of Narika’s small pride and father of her cubs has been tirelessly looking for her after she was killed. Lomunyak’s tracks have been found practically all over his territory, revealing a strong…
Conflict is high, final chance to donate through Wildlife Direct
Hello and thank you to all our blog readers and Wildlife Direct donors. This is the final day of making donations through Wildlife Direct, so please give generously! From 1st April donations through this blog will be directed through our partners Panthera. Through them we will get the full 100% of your donations, which is…
IMPORTANT changes to how you donate to Lion Guardians
From 30th March onwards, Wildlife Direct will no longer be accepting donations on behalf of the conservation groups that blog with them, like the Lion Guardians. But don’t worry! You will still be able to get all the latest news from the lions and their Guardians right here on the Lion Guardians Wildlife Direct blog,…
Peaceful elections – now that’s the way to do it!
Eselenkei and Olgulului’s Lion Guardians Coordinator Eric, tells about the committee elections on Eselenkei Group Ranch, and why they are so different and special. Eselenkei Group Ranch was officially declared in 1983. It covers 74,794 hectares and has around 2000 registered members. It is communally owned, predominantly by pastoralist Maasai and is situated to the…
A drag of lion evidence
During the Lion Guardians’ duties of monitoring lions around their communities and surrounding zones, their skills and knowledge are fine tuned to locate evidence of these predators, which would remain unseen to the untrained eye. Evidence of lions can come in a variety of ways, for example hearing them roar at night and following that…