How Some Lions Learn a Dangerous Habit

Like some other smart and social species, lions often learn from each other. This so-called “social learning” is generally advantageous for animals, since it enables helpful behaviors to spread through groups; dolphins learn from their mothers to use sponges as tools, monkeys learn to wash sweet potatoes from other members of their troop, and fish…

KWS Poisoning Response Protocol Launched!

This past week at the National Lion & Hyena Strategy Meeting at the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Headquarters in Nairobi, KWS formally launched the Response Protocol to Wildlife Poisoning Incidents. Poisoning is a major threat to Kenya’s wildlife, particularly to lions, vultures, hyenas, and other animals that scavenge. This response protocol will help organizations across…

Lorn’gojiyne – He of the Hyena

Deafening roars filled the air, as lion sparred against lion in the age-old struggle for territory. It was early 2013 and young immigrants Lorn’gojiyne and his brother Loosinkoron had just announced themselves to all, including the then resident male lion of the area, Ndelie. It did not take long before they had ousted Ndelie and…

Meet new Lion Guardian Lopono

Meet Lopono, the lastest Maasai warrior to change his ways from lion killing to lion conservation! Lopono is joining the Lion Guardians team on Eselenkei Group Ranch and will work to monitor the lions here and reduce conflict between his local community and predators. Lopono is a very friendly and likeable character, who makes everyone…

Justice at last as lion killers are sentenced

Today I am bringing you some really good news! I am sure that all of you are familiar with the last lion killing that happened in June outside our ranch. We were all very angry and saddened that murrans on our neighboring ranch would kill a lion in order to sell its claws. This is…