Act Today & Help Lions Survive

A harsh spotlight has been cast on the plight of the lion this year. The illegal hunt of Cecil in Zimbabwe, the most recent poisoning of three lions belonging to the Marsh Pride in the Masai Mara, Kenya and our very own loss of Mbalueni have raised global awareness of the decline in lion populations caused by humans.
On the flip side, in our corner of the world, we have also seen the birth of at least 35 new cubs and documented more lions living and breeding at the age of 11 years and beyond. With the high survival of the lions due to conservation efforts, we continue to document a sustained growth in lion populations in the Amboseli-Tsavo ecosystem. This is all possible because of your support.
Now is the time to use the wave of awareness that the losses of 2015 have brought to take positive steps. We must continue to work more closely with local communities and together reverse the decline of lions across their range.
Donate today and help us to conserve lions and preserve cultures.
Ways you can help:
1. Sponsor a Lion Guardian ($120/month for a Lion Guardian or $150/month for a Regional Coordinator)
2. Adopt a lion (Cub – $250/year, Sub-adult – $500/year, Adult – $1000/year)
3. Help us fulfill our equipment Wishlist on Amazon
4. Click donate now on our Facebook page (see above on cover photograph)
5. Shop on Amazon Smile, select Wildlife Guardians as your charity of choice
* Note all sponsors and adopters will receive their information packets in January 2016
How can we volunteer to help with our living arrangements by moving to the parks and helping with this effort?