Lion Guardians work

Introducing Kikardi

Introducing Kikardi Jackson Kikardi – a new addition to our senior management team – joined Lion Guardians last year, but we have been so busy in the field that we are only now sharing our excitement about him coming on board! Before joining us, Kikardi was working as a field operations manager for Soils for…

A memorable moment during the Lion Census

For over a hundred days, the Lion Guardians phone has been abuzz with messages and the air has been filled with exciting conversations about lions – even more so than usual! That’s because Lion Guardians has been involved in a key conservation effort currently underway across Kenya, the National Lion Census. This project has been…

Four New Guardians Join Our Team

This year, we have experienced extremely high levels of conflict, mostly as a result of heavy rainfall and a booming lion population. And although the communities have been extraordinarily tolerant, we have hired four new Guardians to help proactively mitigate conflict in our operating areas. Our office manager Merishi recently got a chance to catch…

Kimana’s Mystery Lion is Identified!

Earlier this year, Big Life Foundation – with support from the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust – took over the management of Kimana Sanctuary, and we were excited to report that a lion was beginning to use the protected area and nearby wildlife corridors. Naturally, we were intrigued to find out more! When Big Life initially called upon…

How Some Lions Learn a Dangerous Habit

Like some other smart and social species, lions often learn from each other. This so-called “social learning” is generally advantageous for animals, since it enables helpful behaviors to spread through groups; dolphins learn from their mothers to use sponges as tools, monkeys learn to wash sweet potatoes from other members of their troop, and fish…

Will you help us light up our tree?

via GIPHY As the year winds down, we would like to take this opportunity to reach out and ask for your continued support. With a growing lion population, we are adding more and more Guardians to our community. Our goal for 2017 is to have all our Guardians salaries fully sponsored. We are 51% of…

Mbalueni’s legacy lives on…

The call came in late in the afternoon. Guardian Kapande reported that he was following the tracks of one male, two females and two small cubs. He was sure the large male was Meliyo. A surge of excitement crept through Lion Guardians headquarters – Meliyo had not been seen since Mbalueni was poisoned. Could those…

Arming with Knowledge: Transforming Fear into Confidence

In today’s blog, Lion Guardians Cofounder and Director of Science, Dr. Stephanie Dolrenry shares with us the power of knowledge and her experience coaching rangers in @AkageraPark, Rwanda with community manager Eric Ole Kesoi and tenured Guardian Kisimir Olamayiani.  When we first arrived in Akagera, we were excited to get going but before we started our…

Lion Guardians in Akagera National Park

Have you been wondering what Lion Guardians are doing in AkageraPark, Rwanda‬ – well now you need not wonder anymore… As many of you may have heard, seven lions were recently reintroduced to Rwanda after two decades. This was dubbed a milestone achievement by Peter Fearnhead, CEO of African Parks, in a statement. [Read more here] Shortly…