My fears have now been validated. I regret to inform you that Nosioki, our motherly female lioness is no more! A few days ago, I wrote about the lion-livestock conflict in Osewan. This area has been of great concern to the Lion Guardians given the fact that it is just outside of Lion Guardian zones, on a…
Cubs, cubs, everywhere!
We are very excited! We have just confirmed the 7th set of cubs under 6 months old within Lion Guardian areas!!!! That means that every adult female in our study area is currently with offspring! We’ve never documented such an occurrence before. It seems there is a lot of hope for the future!!!
My visit to Tanzania
Living with Lions and Panthera are collaborating to expand the successful Lion Guardian model to areas in Tanzania where lion populations are in decline due to conflict with local people. Serengeti Lion Research Project and Panthera asked that we consider the Ngorongoro Conservation Area as the first location for the expansion. We decided to give it a try! I…