After receiving reports of lion tracks from our lion guardians, our team went to verify. Upon reaching the site of the tracks, we did call-in and awaited with excitement. After a brief period of silence, we heard some little meows that grew louder as time went by. It was clear that whichever lion was approaching,…
Lone lion kills a giraffe
We have seen lions bring down different prey species from A to Z – from aardvark, antelopes, elands ostrich, wildebeest to zebras. But two days ago it was a different story. A lone male lion jumped on the back of a mature male giraffe, devoured the tendons and was dragged on for over 500 meters…
Lions aren’t the only carnivore affected by poison
Fossil records reveal that more than 20 hyena species roamed the earth as recently as 10 million years ago but most of these species are now extinct. Currently, only four extant members of the carnivore Hyaenidae exist, the spotted, brown and striped hyenas, and aardwolves. Brown hyenas are only found in South Africa, while striped…
Seeing old friends again
Despite the fact that one Moran was badly injured by our collared lioness Selenkay recently, lions in Mbirikani Group Ranch are doing very well. Yesterday, Lion Guardian Kapande reported picking up the signal of Nemaoi close by. As he was traveling to our rendezvous point , he bumped into a maned male lion. He retreated…
Recent lion killings in Tanzania
For the past month, conservationist within the Amboseli ecosystem were jubilant following the arrest in Tanzania of an infamous elephant poacher who managed to escape with a broken elbow after two of his accomplices were killed in Kenya as they try to waylay a herd of elephants armed with an automatic rifle. The network of informers…
2010 in Review
The beginning of 2010 marked an extremely difficult time for our Lion Guardians. First, a prolonged devastating drought wiped out over half of the herbivore population – both domestic and wild. Livestock, which are the backbone of the Maasai economy, were drastically reduced by both the drought and the subsequent diseases which affected the survivors…
A few days ago we received a report from Lion Guardian Timoine who works in northern Olgululi, not far from Amboseli National Park. He had found the tracks of 2 female lions and 5 cubs! In the past we had heard similar reports from Lion Guardian Parkesian, who is in the neighbouring zone to Timoine,…
Lion Guardians project expands again!
After requests from Group Ranch officials, community leaders and other stakeholders in the Amboseli ecosystem, we are proud to inform you that we have now expanded the Lion Guardians project into another new area in the Amboseli ecosystem – Southern Olgulului! This area stretches along the Kenya-Tanzania border, South of Amboseli National Park, and acts…
Lion Guardians Football and Awards!
We told you last week of some of the events of the first ever Lion Guardian Games. Now we will tell you about the other events, which included football, a game that was new to many of the Guardians, especially as the majority of them have never been to school. Excitement and questions about how…
Lion Guardians in TIME!
As well as appearing in Times Square, the plight of lions in Kenya and the work of the Lion Guardians feature in an article in TIME. Farmers vs. Lions: A Battle to the Death in Kenya by Nick Wadhams describes the human-wildlife conflict issues that projects like the Lion Guardians are working to mitigate. To…