New lions kill giraffe

Lion Guardian Olubi reported that lions had killed a giraffe in his area of work, but he had not found a signal when using radio telemetry to track for collared lions. We went over to investigate, and Olubi and Mokoi guided us to the carcass. The Lion Guardians could easily tell it been killed by…

Mice in the oven!

Last night the Lion Camp received yet another visit from some naughty elephants, though they didn’t cause too much destruction this time, only knocking over the water container. We are also still getting regular nightly visits from our friend the genet.. ..and this morning the lion camp had even more animal visitors in the kitchen…

Christmas cards – important info!

If you have bought any Lion Guardians Christmas cards, please note: You MUST make a written order for the cards by posting a comment on the blog after you have donated. This is the only way that we can get access to your email address, and find out the postal address you would like the…

Lion Guardians Christmas Cards!

I would once again like to remind all our readers that you can buy lovely Lion Guardians Christmas cards right here on the blog! All the profits go to the Lion Guardians, so please, wherever you are in the world, buy as many as you can and tell all your friends about them too! Maybe…

Lion Guardians on

An article about the Lion Guardians has been published on the website The article explains the project and features an interview from Lion Guardians Director Leela Hazzah, who talks about the challenges and goals of the project. Click here to visit and read the article by Rhishja Larson.

Calling Cindy C, Sarah A and Delineations!

Thank you so much for your purchase of Lion Guardians Christmas cards! So that we have your email addresses, and can email you to find out what address to send the cards to, please make a comment on the blog. This is the only way we can get your contact details, as we do not…

Honey badger raids beehive!

Not far past midnight, Project Biologist Kylie was roused from her dreamy slumber by the sound of cracking timber and the tearing of metal sheeting. Believing it to be an elephant, the usual culprit of camp destruction, Kylie armed herself with a big Maglite torch and marched towards the source of the racket, determined to…

Roll up! Roll up!

Just another reminder about our fantastic Christmas cards! Make a donation of $22 (or more!), remember to add a comment saying you would like some cards, and we will send them to you, wherever you are in the world! Every donation made through this blog goes towards helping the Lion Guardians project conserve wild lions.…