We are happy to announce that the KLCP lion tracking website is up and running! www.abycats.com/klplionmap/index.html We currently monitor 4 lions (1 male -Sikiria and 3 females – Birdie, Selenkay & Nosioki) with GPS collars on the website. Thanks to a generous donation from Original Godal Productions, KLCP & MPT are now able to closely…
Birdie’s three new cubs
After receiving reports of lion tracks from our lion guardians, our team went to verify. Upon reaching the site of the tracks, we did call-in and awaited with excitement. After a brief period of silence, we heard some little meows that grew louder as time went by. It was clear that whichever lion was approaching,…
2010 in Review
The beginning of 2010 marked an extremely difficult time for our Lion Guardians. First, a prolonged devastating drought wiped out over half of the herbivore population – both domestic and wild. Livestock, which are the backbone of the Maasai economy, were drastically reduced by both the drought and the subsequent diseases which affected the survivors…
An interesting turn-out at a call-in
Recently, we have received several reports from our Lion Guardians and the Selenkay Conservancy game scouts of a male lion calling. Our Lion Guardian team decided to do a “call-in” in an attempt to identify the lion. To do a call-in, we play a variety of animal calls over a loudspeaker at night such as…
The great search for a lion collar
One of the types of collars that are put on lions in order to track them is a kind that is set to drop off the lion on a particular date. One of our male lions, Maringa, had one of these collars, and as the date of ‘drop off’ became closer, it was critical to…
Male lion eats ostrich alive!
A few days ago we received a report that a lone male lion had injured one donkey and three cows and killed another cow in Mbirikani. All this from just two bomas. We followed his tracks on foot for 15 kilometers without any diversion or rest, eager to find out who this male lion was…
Lion Guardians find 6 lions and a leopard!
Eric tells us of another successful day for the Lion Guardians: Yesterday we received 2 interesting reports from Lion Guardians on Mbirikani – Mushaga and Kapande. We started off the day by responding to Kapande’s report of a lion that he had tracked on foot. We met Kapande and with radio tracking gear we immediately…
Lions and their cubs doing well!
Eric tells us how well the two beautiful lionesses Selenkay and Elikan are doing: Despite the sudden demise of their friend Narika, Selenkay and Elikan have been doing just fine. They must have initially been shocked and surprised at the unexplained absence of their sister but they seem to have settled well into life without…
Lomunyak is back (and we reveal a secret about him!)
Lion Guardian Eric tells us of his joy at hearing the news that mighty male lion Lomunyak has returned to his territory: After disappearing for 3 whole weeks without trace, Lomunyak has returned back to his territory in Mbirikani Group Ranch. Maybe he was upset and shocked by the sudden absence of Narika and decided…
The art of tracking!
The Lion Guardians have been conducting ‘spoor counts’ for almost a year now (spoor is a word meaning animal tracks) as part of their weekly routine. Each Guardian has two set routes of roughly 6km long and he walks each route once a week. From the very beginning of the route to the end, the…