Hello to all our readers, and sorry the Lion Guardians blog has been quiet for a while. We are all extremely busy right now, as conflict between lions and livestock owners is at an extremely high level at the moment, especially on Eselenkei and Olgulului Group Ranches. The Guardians and Coordinators are working hard to calm angry…
The elephant shoe thief returns
You might remember that a while ago a rather inquisitive elephant took a liking to one of my shoes, which I had foolishly left outside my tent one night. The elephant took it into the bush and investigated it thoroughly before deciding that it was inedible and threw it away into a thorn tree, where…
Male lion eats ostrich alive!
A few days ago we received a report that a lone male lion had injured one donkey and three cows and killed another cow in Mbirikani. All this from just two bomas. We followed his tracks on foot for 15 kilometers without any diversion or rest, eager to find out who this male lion was…
Meat eating and conservation!
The Maasai community is known all over the world as livestock keepers. This is their main source of wealth and it has sustained them since time immemorial. To a Maasai, eating meat is a very special thing, almost a preoccupation. And actually, if you pay a visit to a friend and he slaughters a goat…
Male lions cause Lion Guardians to worry as cubs go missing
We recently received a report from one of the Lion Guardians that several male lion tracks had been found together on Mbirikani. We wanted to know who the individuals were and quickly went to investigate. On reaching the site, we found a lion party in progress! Three very big male lions and two females were…
Finally! The Lion Guardian Games!
The long awaited Lion Guardian Games has eventually taken place! It was a fantastic event, and the Lion Guardians had a brilliant time competing and getting to know each other. We would like to thank everyone who made a donation towards this event – it was a wonderful occasion, and really brought the Lion Guardians…
Sikiria the wandering lion returns
Sikiria the lion is known well by all the Lion Guardians. He was first discovered in Eselenkai in October last year and was aptly named Sikiria (meaning ‘donkey’ in Maa) due to an incident when he and his three other male companions killed a number of donkeys. Since October of last year he and his…
Cubs battle hunger and lion hunts to survive!
Hi, this is Eric. Recently we told you the news that two young male lions had been spotted by Lion Guardian Lenkina in the same area that Mbeuti and her cubs used to live in. After the sad spearing of Mbeuti by the new age-set of morans back in March, her two 13-month old male…
Lion Guardians find two magnificent male lions
Hi everyone. This is Eric. Our team was out in the field visiting the southern Olgulului area where we hope to expand the Lion Guardians project to. The community members came out in good numbers to meet our team and seemed very pleased with our plans for expansion into their area. On seeing satisfaction written…
Goodbye Antony!
We have some news for you – Antony Kasanga has recently left the Lion Guardians project, but he is still working to protect the wildlife of the ecosystem – he now works for our friends at the Maasailand Preservation Trust (MPT). After he finished secondary school Antony started working for Living with Lions, where he…