After months of waiting, we have finally been able to conduct interviews for three positions as Lion Guardians on Eselenkei Group Ranch. With the drought really affecting the area, the Maasai murrans (warriors) have been travelling huge distances throughout southern Kenya in search of better pastures for their famished cattle herds. Now after a little rain,…
Lion Guardians
Snakes in the office!
Over the past few months we have had 4 different snakes in our office at Lion Guardian headquarters! It’s been a herpetologist’s dream to be working here – however not so pleasant for those of us who want to get down to work, and would prefer not to be disturbed by these slippery intruders! Here…
Lion Guardians expanding!
You may be wondering what is happening with the expansion of the Lion Guardians program to two of our neighbouring ranches Eselenkei and Olgulului. The ongoing drought across these ranches sent Maasai murrans and their cattle to other areas in search of greener pastures, which meant that we couldn’t hold community meetings or interviews for Guardians –…
Visiting lions in London!
On Saturday, I had to go to London to take an English exam at Acton College. After my exam, I had some time to walk around London, the oldest city I have ever seen! It was a great experience to see this old city that I had only ever seen in movies before. I got…
Lion Guardians Director wins award!
On April 28th nearly 300 guests gathered at the Tribeca Rooftop in New York City to honour five women and present them with WINGS WorldQuest Women of Discovery Awards, which celebrate and support the ground-breaking work of current women explorers and scientists. And one of these women was our Lion Guardians’ Director, Leela Hazzah! Leela…
Birds, snake, thank you…
Thank you to all our donors who have been so generous recently: Anne C, Lois C, Richard V, Black C, Brian M, Scott R, Cass N, Samantha V, Katherine J, Aleta W, Hashi H, Jia L, Kathleen W, Pirjo I, Jeremy W, Susan S, Jessica F and Loki Q. You have all helped the Lion…
Speared elephant is treated
Yesterday we were called to the scene of an injured elephant, which had been spotted limping badly close to our camp in Ol Donyo Wuas. The elephant had been speared in the foot because he had been raiding farms in search of food and water. KWS/Sheldrick Trust vets from Tsavo West National Park were called…
My new home in England
This is my first week since leaving Kenya. People are really taking good care of the new “Panthers” as they are known here in Tubney House in Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU). The other students are from Nepal, Zimbabwe, South Africa Bolivia, Madagascar and Bhutan. The weather is not that good although the…
Goodbye Antony!
Last week was a sad occasion for Antony and the Lion Guardians, as he held his leaving party in Mbirikani. But it was also a very happy day, as the whole community is so glad that Antony is going to Oxford to learn more about wildlife so that he will be able to further help…
Cameras and thank you’s!
Today we were very pleased to receive a great gift from our blog readers Sheri and Owen from the Wild Bird Center in Utah, who have donated a digital camera and a camera trap to the Lion Guardians! Here is the first photo taken with our new camera, of two bird’s nests in our camp.…