Lions in the Osewan area have been killing livestock for some time now. A few days ago, the new Moran age-set could stand it no more.

Lions in the Osewan area have been killing livestock for some time now. A few days ago, the new Moran age-set could stand it no more.
We had some worrying news last night. Four lions on the neighbouring ranch to ours – Kuku, where we have some study animals with collars had killed four cows. The local community was furious, and had gathered a large group of warriors together to go out and hunt for these lions. They had all got…
It was yet another tiring day for the Guardians, working in the scorching sun fencing bomas. A hyena has attacked in the same area again, killing one sheep. The community was very angry and told us that they wanted to kill the hyena, and that they did not want us to work on their boma…
I have been away from the blog for a few days as I had to go out to collect weekly forms from the Lion Guardians. I still had three different places to go before evening fell, so I thought I should start by visiting Koikai. When I arrived at Koikai’s neighbourhood, Olbili, I found there…