The Lion Guardians program employs 9 Maasai warriors (murrans), whose job it is to protect the remaining wild lions and other carnivores on Mbirikani Group Ranch. They do this by monitoring the movements of carnivores, and by helping their communities, to stop conflicts between humans and carnivores. They also work with other murrans to prevent further…
Lion Guardians in the news
I thought I would tell you a bit more about the news story that has been on the internet and in a lot of the newspapers worldwide recently. The story is about the crisis in lion numbers, especially around Amboseli National Park, near where the Lion Guardians program is located. It explains that big cats…
Yummy fundraising for Lion Guardians!
We are very pleased that a school in the UK has been getting involved in fundraising for the Lion Guardians. The children have been reading the blog and finding out about lion conservation, Maasai people and Kenya. I think it is fantastic that children are getting interested in lion conservation and the problems that are…
Elephant attack on murran
I went out to collect forms from Lion Guardians as part of my end of week work. I met Melubo and Ritei and we had some talk about their work, and had a look at their forms where they write down their weekly observations. I started heading back to camp but before I got to…
The Maasai diet
Meat and milk are the best foods in a Maasai homestead. I had just visited the Lion Guardians and I was invited to have a meal with them; ground maize flour (Unga/Ugali) and more than six gourds of milk, approximately 10 litres. As usual our host wife left the room to go and sit outside…