The Lion Guardians would like to say a very big THANK YOU and SEASON’S GREETINGS to all their fantastic blog readers! It has been a very busy but extremely successful year, with the expansion of the project to two more ranches in the Amboseli ecosystem, and the employment and training of 15 new Lion Guardians!…
Thank you to our fantastic donors!
The Lion Guardians would like to thank each and every one of you that has donated on our blog recently. We are sending out our deepest gratitude to: Aleta W Amy B Anne C Black C Brenton H Bruce L Cindy C Delineations (Kate A!) Hashi H Jacqueline H Jessica F John R Joyce N…
Calling Cindy C, Sarah A and Delineations!
Thank you so much for your purchase of Lion Guardians Christmas cards! So that we have your email addresses, and can email you to find out what address to send the cards to, please make a comment on the blog. This is the only way we can get your contact details, as we do not…
Thank you to our donors!
The Lion Guardins would like to thank everyone who has supported us recently. Thank you to: Katherine J, Samantha V, Scott R, Richard V, Black C, Lois C, Hashi H, Anne C, Diane K, Jessica F, Mary P, Pirjo I, Mary H, Shannon C, The F, Angela G, Kerryn W, Mike S, Sauwah T, Jason…
Thank you Africa Alive!
Once again the UK tourist attraction and zoo, Africa Alive have done an amazing job, and collected the huge sum of $4731 for the Lion Guardians! What fantastic news! We are thrilled that they have managed to raise this amount for us, which will help the project considerably, especially as we now expand the program…
Night time action at Simba camp!
In April we were very kindly donated a Wingscapes bird camera trap by Sheri and Owen Hogle from the Wild Bird Center in Utah, which gave us some wonderful photos of birds during the day. But we were even more excited when they told us they were also sending a Bushnell Trail Sentry camera trap which…
Birds, snake, thank you…
Thank you to all our donors who have been so generous recently: Anne C, Lois C, Richard V, Black C, Brian M, Scott R, Cass N, Samantha V, Katherine J, Aleta W, Hashi H, Jia L, Kathleen W, Pirjo I, Jeremy W, Susan S, Jessica F and Loki Q. You have all helped the Lion…
Cameras and thank you’s!
Today we were very pleased to receive a great gift from our blog readers Sheri and Owen from the Wild Bird Center in Utah, who have donated a digital camera and a camera trap to the Lion Guardians! Here is the first photo taken with our new camera, of two bird’s nests in our camp.…
Lion Guardians on NPR Day to Day program today!
Yesterday and today the work of Living with Lions features on Alex Chadwick’s Day to Day radio program, which airs in the US. Alex came to visit us back in June and we told him all about the critical decline in lion populations outside national parks in Kenya and showed him what Living with Lions…
More new lions?
Lion Guardian Koikai has reported two lions close to Olbili, where he lives and works. When he passed on this information to the office, he said he thought they were a new pride. Our collared male Lentim is at Olosira, a hill close to Olbili, but Koikai think the ones he came across are probably…