A Male-Only Sanctuary…. Until Now?

Kimana Sanctuary, an area that connects two important wildlife corridors located between the Amboseli and the Chyulu Hills, that allows wildlife to move across areas more recently deployed as agricultural lands, has been a recluse for young male lions for decades. We have often been asked over the years why female lions never appear in…

Innovation & Collaboration: Open-Source Conservation for Bigger Impact

At Lion Guardians, it is our objective to share our knowledge and experiences with other conservation organizations and partners. We believe through openly sharing our successes, our challenges, our data, and our tools, that we can further conservation impact more effectively across the globe. We refer to this as ‘open-source conservation.’  We strongly believe that…

Celebrating the life of Loonkiito

Celebrating the Life of Loonkiito   “Legends are not born, they are created” – Alexander D. Jones   Nearly two decades ago, in 2004, two male lion cubs were born in the heart of Kenya’s Amboseli ecosystem. As the little cubs matured into sub-adults, they embarked on a journey of exploration, venturing beyond the familiarity…

Life on the brink

Four consecutive seasons of below-average rainfall in East Africa have resulted in the worst drought the region has seen in 40 years. Lion Guardians operates in the arid and semi-arid Kenya, which are hardest hit by the drought. The effects of the drought are severe. Lion Guardians is doing what it can to support the…

The legend of Noonkiyaa

By Phillip J Briggs and Stephanie Dolrenry Deep in the the Amboseli ecosystem, where the Lion Guardians are based, there is a certain mystical rocky outcrop that draws many to it. Legend has it that this rock formation has deep wisdom. Its human neighbors refer to it as “Noonkiyiaa” meaning “she of elongated earlobes” in…

A Quest to Understand Lion Killing

Last year, our Program Manager Luke Maamai successfully completed his Master’s thesis in Conservation Biology at University of Kent. Below, Luke shares some main findings from his research, which offers new hope for lions in our ecosystem, and guidance for how we can continue to enable coexistence in a changing landscape. In order to understand…

A Road Map for the Future

At Lion Guardians, we pride ourselves on being creative, reacting to challenges, and taking risks. But we also know that in order to be effective, these actions need to be in the context of a larger strategy – one that combines lessons from the past with current information to chart a course for the future.…

The Lion Guardians Games gets a Revamp

Last year, the Lion Guardians Games returned to Amboseli after three years of being hosted in Ngorongoro, Tanzania, and it was an incredible and rewarding experience. Below, our Program Manager Luke Maamai recounts what made this year’s Games different. The Lion Guardians Games is an annual event that brings Guardians, stakeholders, and partners together to…