Tourism Minister visits Chyulus

Last week I heard that Kenya’s tourism minister Honorable Najib Balala would be visiting the Chyulus to re-open the lodge that is near to our camp. I had to go and see this man who is so famous in the coalition government. In the minister’s speech he promised to help strengthen the wildlife in the…

CBC News visit Lion Guardians

Over the last few days we have been enjoying a visit from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). CBC News’ Africa correspondent David McGuffin had heard about the good conservation work of the Lion Guardians and the help they are providing their community and came to film a short news piece on us. It is great…

My local main street

If you have been following this blog for a while, you will have probably seen quite a few photos of the landscape around the Chyulu Hills, on Mbirikani Group Ranch where our Lion Guardians program is based. It is a beautiful place to live and work, and when it is not too cloudy we can…

Advertising lions

How much respect and money would I get if I was a king? And how much attention would I be given if I was a great hero? If I was famous and appeared in many advertisements and one day I fell sick, do you think the advertiser would help me out? I have been thinking…

Lion Guardians on National Geographic

Yesterday the story of our lions and the urgent need to save them was in the news, thanks to a press release from National Geographic. You can read the story on the National Geographic site, and also read about the new big cat fund that they have launched. There is also a video about the…

In the news in Kenya

For a week now Senator Barak Obama has been on the front pages of all the Kenyan newspapers. Even the local people in the communities know that he has won the democratic elections last week, and they all want to know more about him. Everybody here in Maasailand now calls him a murran; he stopped…

Lions’ favourite hiding place

The Chyulu Hills are probably one of the best places I have been in my life: cascading hills that are always green and beautiful, amazing views of the ground below, and clean air that is uncontaminated by pollution. Different animals, such as giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, eland, gazelles, impala, elephant and oryx roam the vast beautiful…

From London to Lions

Hello, Amy here. I am writing my first post while Antony is taking a well-earned few days off work. I have already been introduced by Antony, but I thought I would tell you a bit more about what I am doing here with the Lion Guardians, and why I think their work is so important.…

Celebrating Murranhood at Maria’s boma

Maria, the camp chef, invited me to a ceremony at her boma in Olibili. As well as being an amazing cook, Maria also helps with different aspects of the Lion Guardian program in my absence, including sending air time to the Guardians while they are out in the field and entering Lion Guardian data into…

Stuck in traffic in Nairobi

I was heading to a meeting in Nairobi early today and there was so much traffic on the road. The meeting was supposed to start around 9:30am and I had been travelling the whole night to try and make it there on time. But in Nairobi travelling less than 2 kilometres was a nightmare. After…