Mambo, the bush man

Here in camp we have a very interesting friend who occasionally comes to visit us; a strange old man who lives in a cave in the Chyulu Hills. His name is Mambo, and although we don’t know his exact age we are sure he is over 78 years old. When he was a young murran…

Lion Guardians Top Brass

I woke up this morning feeling full of energy. Yesterday I was wearing my traditional Maasai clothes – brightly colored cloths called shukas, and adorned with beautiful beads.   I thought of my important position as Assistant Director of the Lion Guardians program… and that gave me an idea. I put on some smart trousers…

Fantastic facilities

Hello, Amy here. As Antony is out collecting forms from the Lion Guardians today I thought I would briefly switch careers from photographer/media stooge to estate agent and show you some of the fantastic features of our camp…. Here we have a delightful one bedroom residence, complete with a charming terrace area to the front…

Beginning of â??winterâ? in the Chyulus

Today is another day in the office, entering data from the Lion Guardians into the computer. The weather is good outside, but in the shade of the office it was cold and my feet were so freezing that I had to put on shoes, and put my computer on my lap to get some warmth. Amy…

Mara vet stranded!

This week we were lucky enough to have a vet from the Mara, Asuka Takita, visiting our camp, as well as Living with Lions director Laurence Frank. Asuka had come to find out more about what we do here with the Lion Guardians, and the Living with Lions program. It was great to have her…

Roaring back to camp

Today I am travelling from the Laikipia Predator Project down to Nairobi, and then back to camp. I am happy to say that from my bed last night I was able to hear the amazing (although slightly scary!) sound of lions roaring. It is an incredible sound, which I have not yet experienced from camp…

At peace..!

I have made it back to camp safely now, after my journey from Nairobi. Sometimes Nairobi scares me a lot especially when I come across security men – because it can either mean there is lawlessness in that area, or that the police are hunting for criminals, and when a shoot out starts anybody could…

Life in camp

You canâ??t imagine that camp used to be for more than eight people – now there are just two people in it! Nights are so quiet that you could think we were the only people left on this planet! Our alarm – the Crested Francolin will call at exactly 6:30am making such a high sound…

New Face on Lion Guardians blog

We now have a new face on the Lion Guardian blog. Amy Howard will be helping out with different aspects of the blog with myself, to get more interesting stories, pictures and clips of lions and Lion Guardians in their communities. Amy is from England and has been helping with the media aspects of the…

Picture this..

As we were driving I saw this on a moving â??bill boardâ?. ‘Heshimu Punda’ means respect a donkey. It was on the spare wheel cover of a car in front of us. Then I started thinking: we have the situation in Kenya right now after the election violence where people are in dire need of…