Guardian Lenkai takes the meaning of coexistence to another level when he happens on a lion cub under mysterious circumstances!

Guardian Lenkai takes the meaning of coexistence to another level when he happens on a lion cub under mysterious circumstances!
To celebrate World Lion Day Lion Guardians held an event at Naor-Enkare Primary school neighboring our Central camp. We organized a very successful film day attended by over 130 school pupils and community members including women.
Organized to bring greater attention to the plight of the lion, August 10th has been designated as “World Lion Day.” On this day, individuals and groups are encouraged to take an action that demonstrates their interest and support in protecting the world’s remaining lions.
We are very excited that all of the ground work for our expansions into the Ruaha and Sinya areas of Tanzania are now bearing fruits. Earlier this year, we hosted a group of Barabaig community leaders from the Ruaha ecosystem in central Tanzania on an exchange visit to Kenya. They interacted with our Lion Guardians and the…
Living With Lions, the parent organization of Lion Guardians, has several other projects operating in Kenya, in addition to Lion Guardians! Please read LWL’s annual report, which we have just posted to our website, to learn more about these great projects! And please remember that we rely on your support to finance these projects, so…
The beginning of 2010 marked an extremely difficult time for our Lion Guardians. First, a prolonged devastating drought wiped out over half of the herbivore population – both domestic and wild. Livestock, which are the backbone of the Maasai economy, were drastically reduced by both the drought and the subsequent diseases which affected the survivors…
We told you a while ago that with the help of Lion Guardians Mokoi and Kisimir we had finally found male lion Sikiria, who likes to wander far and wide. We were able to download his movements from his collar and we are pleased to tell you we now have the results mapped out for…
For the next 62 days, Panthera who support the work of the Lion Guardians, will bring attention to the plight of wild cats by showing a video on the billboard in Times Square! For the remaining days of this campaign, any donation you make to Panthera to save wild cats will be matched dollar for…
Hello and thank you to all our blog readers and Wildlife Direct donors. This is the final day of making donations through Wildlife Direct, so please give generously! From 1st April donations through this blog will be directed through our partners Panthera. Through them we will get the full 100% of your donations, which is…
From 30th March onwards, Wildlife Direct will no longer be accepting donations on behalf of the conservation groups that blog with them, like the Lion Guardians. But don’t worry! You will still be able to get all the latest news from the lions and their Guardians right here on the Lion Guardians Wildlife Direct blog,…