Amboseli ecosystem

It’s Out: The Lion Guardians Newsletter – Issue No. 4

The fourth issue of the Lion Guardians Newsletter is out. Click here to read all about new faces, a new logo, a quirky young Lion Guardian named Olamayiani and much much more! Happy reading! Please share with your friends and family.    

Why We Want to “Make the LINC”

The mystery of the two lions who appeared in our coverage areas in 2013 continues to intrigue Guardian Kamunu. “Do you know where Loosinkiron and Lorngojiyne came from? Have you figured it out yet?” he asks when we accompany him on reports.   We are baffled too. For almost two years now, we have wondered…

Project Managers Training – Another Successful Course of the Lion Guardians Training Program

The Lion Guardians Training Center at Nairrabala on Olgulului Group Ranch, has hosted several Guardians training courses, community meetings and other stakeholder meetings since its official launch last year. But in September, the Training Center came into its own when it was the site of the first ever official Project Managers Training course, a week…

It’s World Lion Day – take a minute to honor, celebrate and protect the lion.

“What is the current lion population in our ecosystem?” “If the gestation period for a lion is about three and half months, why is their population down?” “Give me the Maasai names of five lions in your locality? ”           “How many claws does a lion have in total?” These questions…