living with lions

Arming with Knowledge: Transforming Fear into Confidence

In today’s blog, Lion Guardians Cofounder and Director of Science, Dr. Stephanie Dolrenry shares with us the power of knowledge and her experience coaching rangers in @AkageraPark, Rwanda with community manager Eric Ole Kesoi and tenured Guardian Kisimir Olamayiani.  When we first arrived in Akagera, we were excited to get going but before we started our…

History Repeats Itself

Recently, we told the story of Selenkay & Martii. Since then, Martii has been very busy and we are happy to report that he has now mated with Selenkay and her two daughters Meoshi and Noldupai, all of whom are heavily pregnant. However, there is one daughter that he hasn’t yet been able to mate…

Conserving Lions, Preserving Cultures

Lion Guardians Statement on Cecil the Lion

Over the last few weeks, following the death of Cecil the Lion, we have been deeply touched by all those who have reached out to us, supporting us with words of encouragement and donations. His death triggered global outrage that has brought much needed attention to the plight of the African lion. Lion populations have…

Celebrating World Lion Day 2015

In celebration of ‪#‎WorldLionDay‬, we held a film showing and soccer challenge at Loitero Primary school in Eselenkei Group Ranch. Here is a pictorial overview of the celebrations: School children and community members ready to watch the Lion Guardians educational film and several clips from other lion based documentaries. In addition to the film showings, Guardians…

World Lion Day 2015

Today is World Lion Day (August 10th), and to honor the day our Guardians are meeting with their communities to share stories about their lions, talk about what peaceful co-existence means, and explain what they do as Lion Guardians. As part of this they will also coordinate a showing of the Lion Guardians’ film.   You can…

Paying it forward

Guardian Parkesian flagged us down as we rushed out of the Training Center. He had run several kilometers to meet us in a matter of minutes. He was drenched in sweat, but he didn’t care. A hunt was on and there was no time to lose! Thirty minutes before, he was on a motorbike making…

Of the Community – For the Community

As our Community Manager, Eric Ole Kesoi believes “Community support is critical to our existence. We must sustain that support”. In today’s blog, he relates some of the ways that we help the community above and beyond the normal duties of a Guardian and how that helps to conserve lions in the long-term.   Our…

Nosipana – Surviving Against All Odds!

She was just over a year and a half old when she left the protection of her mother’s care; she is a little lion fending for herself in the big world. While this is not uncommon for most lions born on community lands, the task of striking out on one’s own is doubly difficult for…