Now you have met all of our new Guardians on Eselenkei Group Ranch, we hope you might be able to help support their work. These young men have turned their lives around to help conserve the lions they once hunted, and some of them are even learning to read and write at the same time…
Meet new Lion Guardian Pilenanka
Pilenanka Sitiyo volunteered as a Lion Guardian in the Ilchalai area back at the start of the project in 2006, and showed great promise, but was just beaten by Lenkina who still holds the position in that area. Now we are pleased to see him again, and he has shown his dedication to the project…
Meet our new Lion Guardians!
We are pleased to announce the arrival of two new Lion Guardians on Mbirikani Group Ranch. Mushaga is replacing Melubo in the Oltiasika area and Pilenanka replaces Lion Guardian Solonka in the Ol Donyo Wuas area. We are sad to say goodbye to Melubo and Solonka who have both worked hard for the project, but…
Sponsor sends greetings to Maasailand!
Lucky Lion Guardian Koikai is being sponsored by blog reader Anne C. We are extremely grateful to Anne for her support of Koikai, and of the whole Lion Guardians project – she recently also donated a brand new laptop for our new Lion Guardians in Eselenkei Group Ranch, so they can fill in all the…
Kenyan lions face extinction in 20 years?
A report in the Telegraph on Tuesday suggested that within 20 years lions may become extinct in Kenya. This follows a press release from KWS (Kenya Wildlife Service) which says that Kenya is losing an average of 100 of its 2,000 lions every year due to growing human settlements, increasing farming, climate change and disease.…
Wildlife poison withdrawn from Africa!
We have just heard the news that Furadan, the agricultural chemical and poison that is being used to kill wildlife, in particular hyenas, lions and vultures, has been withdrawn from sale in the areas of Africa where there are predators. Distributors have been asked to buy back stocks and we hope that it will no…
Furadan, the hot topic
I have been very interested to read all the comments and different people’s views on Furadan, on this blog, on the CBS 60 minutes page, and on the Stop the manufacture of Furadan Facebook group. What do you think? Should we be blaming the manufacturers for producing this poison, or the Government for allowing it…
We looked for lion cubs and found a leopard! And we have camera trap photos!
The search for Nemasi’s cubs continues…… Just by the edge of the thick lava forest we found a young eland that had been killed the previous day by what looked like young lions (from the tracks). We were very excited! But as we had no luck seeing the very secretive lions previously we decided to ask…
Lion Guardians on NPR Day to Day program today!
Yesterday and today the work of Living with Lions features on Alex Chadwick’s Day to Day radio program, which airs in the US. Alex came to visit us back in June and we told him all about the critical decline in lion populations outside national parks in Kenya and showed him what Living with Lions…
Now you have met all our Lion Guardians, please help us!
I hope you enjoyed finding out about each Lion Guardian, their personalities and backgrounds, and how dedicated they are to helping save the remaining lions here. The Guardians are really happy that they have all been introduced, and that you were interested in reading about them. Â What is so great about the Lion Guardians,…